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For anyone dreaming big, small or not at all!


Would you be willing to consider… that you have a choice about how a dream will impact you? Would you be willing to consider that there are no “bad” dreams, only dreams that take a dramatically negative turn to get your attention about an issue that needs reconciling?


Dream work is an alternative tool for transformative healing during times of loss and transition.  Any dream remembered from any time in your life is a dream worth sharing because all dreams come to us in the service of health and wholeness! All that is needed is a willingness to see differently and be true to what is in your heart!


Join Carla in the DreamLight Café via Google Meet for an intimate four-week session using dreams as a tool for healing through loss and transition. These intimate two-hour sessions are an opportunity to see your dreams differently by shifting your perspective to see the healing power of the dream characters, the imagery, the symbols and the landscape.


No experience necessary!

     Come with an open heart and a desire to see your grief journey              and your dreams differently! 


COMMITMENT:  We'll meet once a week for four weeks. Each meeting will be two hours in length. This will be a closed group.

WHEN:  We'll decide the date and time when you create your custom group of trusted dreamers! 


WHERE:  Option 1 - Online with Google Meet from the comfort of your home! 

Option 2 - In person. This group meets in person in at the DreamLight Cafe Studio in Montrose, CO

TIME:  Mornings 11:00 am - 1:00 pm  or  Evening 6:00 - 8:00 pm  (MST) We'll decide the time that works best for all of us!


LIMITED SPACE:  Minimum 3 dreamers - maximum 5 dreamers. Invite your trusted friends to join the group! 


INVESTMENT:   $95 payable on registration - Venmo


FORMAT:  Brief introduction to dreamwork for bereaved parents using the MIPD projective dreamwork technique and MIPD Dreamer's Toolkit. Dream Q&A. Format is inclusive, non-judgmental, receptive, and safe; all participants will be bound to rules of confidentiality agreed upon at registration.

REGISTRATION:  Upon email registration you will receive link for payment made to Venmo. Once payment is made you will receive a link invite.  REGISTER HERE 

© CarlaBlowey


"Carla Blowey knows how to gently guide individuals to find their truth related to their dreams. She has helped many parents in our Compassionate Friends chapter embrace different perspectives about life and death through projective dream work. Her workshops will be helpful and transformative to anyone who chooses to attend."


Dave Roberts, MSW, LMSW

Adjunct professor at Utica University/Pratt Institute

Utica, NY

Host of The Teaching Journeys Podcast



Copyright 2002, 2014, 2024 Dreaming Kevin: The Path to Healing; Carla Blowey; Dreaming Kevin Publishing; Dreaming the Way to Healing©; DreamLight Cafe© and DreamLight Cafe for Bereaved Parents©. All rights reserved. No part of this website may be reproduced without written permission from Carla Blowey.   Contact at:

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