The Path to Healing
For anyone dreaming big, small or not at all!
Join Carla in the DreamLight Café via Google Meet
customized for your group of dreamers!
Have you been exploring your dreams but want to share dreams with other dream workers? If you're ready to take the deep-dive this option is for you! Create your own custom group of trusted dreamers from any where in the world!
This is an ongoing dream group that will meet online on a monthly basis. These intimate two-hour sessions are an opportunity to see your dreams differently by shifting your perspective to see the healing power of the dream characters, the imagery, the symbols and the landscape. No experience necessary!
Come with an open heart and a desire to see your grief journey and your dreams differently!
COMMITMENT: We'll meet twice a month. Each meeting will be two hours in length. This will be a closed group.
WHEN: We'll decide the date and time when you create your custom group of trusted dreamers!
WHERE: Online with Google Meet from the comfort of your home!
TIME: Flexible times: Mornings 11:00 am - 1:00 pm, Afternoons 12:00-2:00 or Evening 6:00 - 8:00 pm (MST) We'll decide the time that works best for all of us!
LIMITED SPACE: Minimum 3 dreamers - maximum 5 dreamers. Invite your trusted friends to join the group!
INVESTMENT: $50 per month payable on registration - Venmo
FORMAT: The first meeting will include a brief introduction to dreamwork using the MIPD projective dreamwork technique and MIPD Dreamer's Toolkit. Format is inclusive, non-judgmental, receptive, and safe; all participants will be bound to rules of confidentiality agreed upon at registration.
REGISTRATION: Upon email registration you will receive link for payment made to Venmo. Once payment is made you will receive a link invite. REGISTER HERE

Oh, our dreams what can they be?
Some are real...or so it seems
a separate reality.
Pieces of the future, flashes from the past
their meanings unsure
as the new memories fade fast.
We must read the symbols and look for the design
whether they be dim goals
or just fantasies of the mind.
Could they be communications from the spirit plane
divine illuminations, or are we insane?
Possible past life recollections of other times and places
with your soul's selection of familiar faces.
Things seems so familiar
yet so utterly strange,
circumstances are similiar
but yet can constantly change.
Melodramas with many acts
in a theater of imagination,
many real but confusing facts
some given to great elaboration,
Reenactments from the subconscious state
in symbolic simulation.
The conscious mind tries to relate
so lessons can be learned
and insights can be gained,
paths can be turned and angers tamed.
Listen to your souls teachings
there is something there to glean
so keep forever reaching
toward the message in a dream.
Mitchell Carmody
Copyright 1985