The Path to Healing
Billie Ortiz
Carla is a very skilled dreamworker with a great depth of knowledge of the language of dreams and metaphor. She is a highly intuitive and compassionate soul who treats each dreamer with sensitivity and respect. I have had the privilege of working with her in many dream circles and sessions over the years and consider Carla a trusted dreamwork colleague. I look forward to working with her more for years to come! Peace and Honey in the Heart, Billie Ortiz, MIPD certified Dreamwork Facilitator http://wakeuptoyourdreams.com

Denise Conner
Carla Blowey is one of the most sensitive and insightful dreamworkers I have ever known. Her experience and compassion are just what are called for in this inspiring work with grief and dreams. I have worked with and known Carla for over five years and am honored to have learned much from her generous and wise feedback. Dr. Denise Conner, MIPD certified Dreamwork Facilitator Maryland

Dr. Gloria Horsley
Dr. Heidi Horsley
We at the Open to Hope foundation have had the privilege of knowing Carla Blowey for over two decades. Our paths crossed unexpectedly, as we both experienced the heartbreak of losing a child. Carla's unwavering dedication to supporting bereaved families, both as a bereaved mother and as a dreamworker, has been nothing short of remarkable. Carla's book, "Dreaming Kevin: The Path to Healing," has touched the lives of many, offering invaluable insights into the healing power of dreams. Her dream workshops, bereavement groups, and work with national bereavement organizations have inspired and uplifted countless individuals on their healing journeys. We are grateful to Carla for her contributions as one of our Open to Hope writers and for her friendship throughout the years. She has shed light on the significance of dream interpretation as a powerful tool in the healing process. Thank you, Carla, for your dedication and for sharing your wisdom with us. Dr. Gloria Horsley – Founder and President of Open to Hope Dr. Heidi Horsley – Executive Director of Open to Hope Dr. Gloria Horsley Open to Hope 1385 Dana Avenue Palo Alto, California, 94301 415-994-8263 opentohope.com datingdoctors.org

Sharon Strouse
It was July 2005, and I was in Boston as a first-time presenter at The Compassionate Friends National Conference, an art therapist and as a bereaved mother, whose seventeen-year-old daughter Kristin, ended her own life. I was facilitating my collage workshop, "The Art of Healing...loss, grief and grace," that introduced participants to a creative approach to healing. On my arrival, I checked out the TCF bookstore, offering hundreds of books on grief and bereavement. I was drawn to one book and finally bought it. I tucked Dreaming Kevin: The Path to Healing into my suitcase, knowing I'd read it in the coming days. On the first morning of the conference, I spotted the one person I knew in a sea of fifteen-hundred attendees. I made my way toward Mitch, hoping there would be an empty seat for me. I sat down as he introduced me to his friend, Carla Blowey, author of Dreaming Kevin. I sensed my movement toward Carla from the night before when I unknowingly bought her book. That moment changed us forever for it set us on a path of friendship, as professionals and as mothers committed to our unique healing journeys. Carla and I sat, we talked, we laughed, we cried. We attended each other's workshops. I was captivated by the journeys we shared, for Carla's dreams and my collage images intermingled, as healing modalities that beckoned us into the depths and back into the light. Carla engaged the elements of her dreams while I engaged the fragments and elements of my collage creations. In the end there was healing. When I met Carla, I was at a crossroads with my professional work as an art therapist. As the Compassionate Friends National Conference came to a close, Carla urged me to consider a synthesis of the various ways I was exploring my own healing as a template for my work with others. As a dream worker, she urged me to combine my creative process of collage with my meditation and dream work. I listened and felt the winds of change blowing through me. When I returned home to Baltimore, I sat in my garden under the shade of our maple tree, and read Dreaming Kevin. "I was overcome by her prophetic dream alerting her to her son's death, and the spirited transmission that would occur for both mother and son. She shared her story with passion.(Strouse, 2013) I was transfixed by this real and honest description of grief, which "involved finding her way into all the elements of her dream so that she could free herself from the guilt she harbored over Kevin's death." (Strouse, 2013) Carla and I see each other at national and regional conferences, where we continue to offer our individual workshops, along with workshops we have developed as co-facilitators. We take particular pleasure, combining dream work and image making, which serve as powerful and transformational experiences for participants. I am blessed to have met Carla, and to have picked up Dreaming Kevin, which introduced me to dream work as a way through grief. I sense Kevin and Kristin's part in bringing us together, and I am grateful. (2014) Sharon Strouse, MA, ATR, art therapist Author of Artful Grief: A diary of healing Cockeysville, MD www.attherefuge.com

Estrella Alvarez-Tinch
Carla delivers an outstanding interactive workshop that increases one's understanding of the grief journey by analyzing and interpreting dreams. The method she uses is highly effective in increasing self-knowledge, understanding participant's current situation and developing plans of action. 10+ Stars Estrella Alvarez-Tinch TESOL Certified Teacher Grief Educator; Certified Grief Coach From Grief to Hope, Inc. www.fromgrieftohope.org

Mitch Carmody
I have known Carla for many, many years. We met at a grief conference where we were speaking as presenters and became fast friends. I consider her my sister of the heart. Carla is an incredibly gifted intuitive with unparalleled insights into dream recall and wisdom in the archetypal components and symbology of dream work. Dreaming the Way to Healing will not only provide you with insight into deciphering your own dreams, provide tips for remembering your dream, but how to incorporate that cryptic knowledge that is sorted out in REM to aid you in you daily journey of discovery. Her book validates that continuing connections are real and that dream world is a real and necessary part of the grief journey. Her story, her pain, her love, her discoveries, her healing is very real. Wrought from the depths of unimaginable pain and horror she has blessed the world with this captivating and healing tome of self discovery and purpose that will open your eyes, warm you heart, and enlighten your soul. Dreaming Kevin: The Path to Healing is just that, a path to healing. Thank you Carla and Kevin. Mitch Carmody, author Letters from My Son www.heartlightstudios.net

Dave Roberts
Carla Blowey knows how to gently guide individuals to find their truth related to their dreams. She has helped many parents in our Compassionate Friends chapter embrace different perspectives about life and death through projective dream work. Her workshops will be helpful and transformative to anyone who chooses to attend. Dave Roberts, MSW, LMSW Adjunct professor at Utica University/Pratt Institute Utica, NY Host of The Teaching Journeys Podcast

Sara Ruble
Carla Blowey is a friend, teacher, collaborator, and so importantly a dreamworker. In this amazing dreamworker role she has beautiful and unique abilities to help guide not only me, but countless other seekers of greater understanding into the immense mystery of our dreams. I have known Carla for many years. We met at bereaved parents conferences we both attended through the years. Both of us were seeking support and answers to the sudden deaths of our beloved sons. It was in her workshops I learned of Carla’s unique ability to bring meaning and clarity to my dreams, and to many others too. She has been a significant resource for healing and greater awareness through her dreamwork for years. Whether it is to teach us, release what is no longer needed, envision deeper meaning and connection in our lives, the mysteries that are revealed through our dreams can be very confusing…and enlightening. To have Carla’s calm, caring, and knowing insights is truly a gift that encouraged a much greater awareness of my soul’s work. For that I will always be grateful! Sara Ruble Blogs, Death Teaches and Spirit Teaches www.spiritteaches.org